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Elevate Your Online Marketing: Using Facebook and Your Website to Increase Traffic and Leads

In person workshop – Elevate Your Online Marketing

The web changes quickly! What was relevant 2 years ago can be old today. Businesses need to stay current if they want to succeed online.

Today one of the leaders on social media for business is Facebook. Every major buyer demographic is spending significant time on Facebook every day. With the right strategy, your business can get in front of the exact audience you want and drive more traffic to your website.

Once you drive traffic to your website, you must have a plan for what to do with them! They should have a good experience on your site whether they’re on a computer, tablet or smartphone.

Elevate Your Online Marketing- Using Facebook and Your Website to Increase Traffic and Leads (1)

That’s what we’ll cover in this workshop and more including:

  • Why Facebook matters for small and medium sized businesses
  • Website keys for 2016 and beyond
  • How to use Facebook and your website together to increase leads
  • What are “soft” website leads and why you need them on your site

Discover practical tools for success with Facebook and your website. You’ll leave with a clear understanding of how to evaluate your website, what it needs to be a valuable tool in your marketing, and how to use Facebook as a part of a cohesive effort to reach and drive targeted customers to your website. Relevant ideas for business to consumer and business to business companies!

elevate your online marketingWHEN: May 18th, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

WHERE: Ivy Tech, Rochester, 1820 Park Road, Rochester, IN 46975

COST: $25

REGISTRATION: Contact Tiffany Futrell at FEDCO (574) 223-3326 or

Elevate your online marketingI serve as President of Digital Hill Multimedia and spend my time helping businesses gain advantages online. Our team builds websites and web software to empower businesses to grow traffic and leads online, as well as gain efficiencies with online web software.

I also lead our Digital Marketing team where we develop social media, content, and ad strategies for businesses. I live online and continually test new social media and online tools for business use.

In my spare time, I write a weekly column in the Goshen News Business Section called Tech Talk.

To register for this event click here.