Alabama Vision Center in Birmingham Reminds Us June is Cataract Awareness Month - Digital Hill Multimedia, Inc.

Alabama Vision Center in Birmingham Reminds Us June is Cataract Awareness Month

Cataracts ~ Dr. Kloess ~ Dr. Velazquez ~ Birmingham

What is the leading cause of reversible blindness worldwide? Cataracts! “In the early stages, there are few symptoms. People gradually lose vision over time, yet many are unaware,” says Dr. Price Kloess, Medical Director of the Alabama Vision Center in Birmingham. Dr. Kloess, and partner Dr. Andrew Velazquez, now offer Bifocal Smart Lens Implants with cataract surgery. “The Alabama Vision Center in Birmingham was the first in Alabama to offer this technology,” says Dr. Kloess.

Everyone gets a clouding of the natural lens around the age of 50. Blurred vision in dim light and halos or glare at night are common symptoms, often worsening over time. “Cataract surgery is a remarkable procedure with recent technological advances,” remarks Dr. Velazquez. “It is a brief, painless out-patient procedure. At the Albama Vision Center in Birmingham, we use the “no-stitch, no patch” technique.”

Patients undergoing cataract surgery will receive an intraocular lens implant, or IOL. According to Dr. Kloess, “the newer multifocal lenses are a real breakthrough. For many cataract patients at the Alabama Vision Center in Birmingham, not needing glasses to see at distance or read after cataract surgery has been a dream come true”.

“Early cataract detection is the key to maintaining good eye health,” says Dr. Velazquez. If you are overdue for your eye exam, or have noticed a decrease in vision, schedule an appointment with Dr. Kloess or Dr. Velazquez at the Alabama Vision Center in Birmingham by calling 205-592-3911.

Cataracts ~ Dr. Kloess ~ Dr. Velazquez ~ Birmingham