digitalhill, Author at Digital Hill Multimedia, Inc.

Tips to Improve Your Online Marketing Campaigns
Every profitable business knows the importance of advertising and marketing. Powerful marketing campaigns will boost sales and increase your revenue potential. You can also use marketing strategies to grow brand authority, and build loyalty and trust with your customers. You should always be looking to improve your online marketing. That said, advertising and marketing can […]

7 Tips for Effective Conference Calls
Let’s be honest here: no one looks forward to a conference call. Research even shows that most people aren’t paying attention, with 65 percent of attendees focusing on other work instead. Since it’s hard to get rid of conference calls entirely, it’s up to you to make them interesting and worthwhile. Keep reading for seven tips […]

How to Effectively Use Email to Boost Website Traffic
Email marketing is a budget-friendly way to communicate directly with your customers. Here are a few smart ways to use email to boost website traffic.

The Role of a Digital Marketing Agency
Digital marketing is growing rapidly into a crucial sector of any business. It is earmarked to be the future of marketing due to its relatively low costs compared to other marketing strategies. As well as its substantial potential audience reach. What is the role of digital marketing? Digital marketing can help any business, big or […]

3 Great Contact Form Options for Your WordPress Website
Using a contact form is an efficient way to connect or support your customers. Consider these 3 contact form options for use on your WordPress website.

Yoast SEO Can Make Your WordPress Website Stand Out
Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress makes technical SEO possible for even beginners to implement. Get these 5 other benefits too when you add it to your website.

Three Ways You Can Boost Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – with most people having at least one social media account, social media has a huge influence on daily lives. Businesses are now harnessing the power of social media as an impactful and potentially low-cost way of marketing their services and products. The potential reach of your marketing is huge. For example, […]

Adding An Online Store to Your WordPress website using WooCommerce
Here are 5 steps to add an online store to your WordPress website using WooCommerce. These basic steps will get your online shop up and running quickly.

Triangle Rubber Pivots During Coronavirus to Offer Ecommerce
Considering a pivot in your business or adding an online store to your website. Here's how we helped this business add an eCommerce store to their website.

Kickstart a Traffic Increase to your Website: 5 Steps to Follow
Website traffic is the number of visitors your site receives. You can track where traffic comes from – your social media channel clicks through search engine results, links from other websites. How that traffic then navigates around your website is also trackable. It is also possible to track how long visitors spend on your website, […]