digitalhill, Author at Digital Hill Multimedia, Inc.

5 Effective Ways to Boost Traffic to Your Website
People visit a website when researching a business. Make sure potential customers can find you.Try these 5 methods to boost traffic to your website

Making the Most of Your Tech Infrastructure
Often when companies invest in tech infrastructure there are a number of features that go underutilized. Some tools can seem complicated and you may not be getting the most out of your products. When deciding on the best tech for your company, it is important to understand your unique requirements. Look for solutions with flexibility, […]

Remote Working Tips, Tools, and Best Practices
Many companies are implementing a remote working policy due to coronavirus. We offer our remote working tips and best practices to help you get started.

6 Benefits of Using Gravity Forms on Your WordPress Website
Need a way to create forms on your WordPress website that are customizable and secure? Try Gravity Forms. Here are 6 benefits of using Gravity Forms.

4 Ways to Improve Your Business Marketing
It may feel as though building your business is the focus, but there is no point in having a fantastic business idea if nobody knows about it. That is why marketing is fundamental; forming your business is only half the battle. Your marketing strategy can be the difference between success and failure, and it is […]

Why Local SEO is the Key Ingredient That’s Missing from Your Digital Marketing
The vast majority of businesses have websites in 2020. Many of them focus on SEO, some of them focus on content marketing, but many are failing to make the most out of local SEO. Local SEO is particularly important for bricks and mortar businesses which rely on the custom of local people. If you’re a […]

New Website for
Mobile-optimized websites help businesses be found online. Here are some additional features we included on a new website for

Why It’s Time to Have A Digital Experience Platform
Digitization is happening all around us. No matter what we do in business, there is sure to be some element that must be digitized in some way. This could be to enhance the customer’s experience, or it might be to make work easier for the employees, or even for yourself. It might just be to […]

How to Keep on Top of Social Media Marketing in the New Decade
Social media marketing is ever-changing and fluid. It never stays still for a second. As soon as you have caught up with the latest trend it has become archaic and your marketing strategy a relic of social media past. It is difficult to stay on top of such a fast-paced element of marketing. Gone are […]

4 WordPress Plugins You Should Be Using This Year
Add functionality to your WordPress website. Learn about 4 WordPress plugins you should be using this year to improve connections and conversions.