digitalhill, Author at Digital Hill Multimedia, Inc.


3 Reasons Why Smart Slider is a Great Plugin for your WordPress Site

Want to add a slider to your website? Smart Slider is a great plugin for a WordPress website. Build striking slideshows for maximum user experience.

New Website For Hoosier Housing Furnishings

New Website For Hoosier Housing Furnishings created by Digital Hill using WordPress Gutenberg blocks. See how you can use Gutenberg blocks your website.
Basic Tips for Marketing

7 Basic Tips for Marketing Beginners

How to market your business successfully will be the first thing you think of when building your brand. These 7 basic tips for marketing beginners will help you get started. 1. Don’t Do Too Much First, it’s important not to overwork yourself and think that you need to be marketing every second of the day […]
Streamline your supply chain

Top Innovative Ways to Streamline Your Supply Chain

Unless you handle every single step from resource procurement to stocking, there are likely places along your supply chain that you are a bit fuzzy about. Transparency might be a big buzzword in sustainability conversations these days, but it is critical for businesses to thrive as well. It’s time to streamline your supply chain. You […]

10 Content Strategies to Boost Traffic

Have you struggled with realizing tangible value from content marketing campaigns? Try these 10 content strategies to boost traffic to your business.

How to Use Facebook Ads to Draw Traffic to Your Website

Combining Facebook ads and organic traffic can significantly boost visits to your website. 5 easy tips to use Facebook Ads to draw traffic to your website.
Cyber Security for Online Business

Your Guide to Cyber Security for Your Online Business

Running an online business offers an array of benefits including being able to work wherever you want, and being incredibly adaptable in a competitive marketplace. There can be setbacks though, and when running an online business being mindful of cyber security for your business is essential. Whether you’re thinking about starting an online business or […]

Making Your Deliveries More Efficient: A Guide

As an e-commerce store selling to all corners of the world, it’s important that you monitor your delivery systems as well as your website. While a website and a digital marketing strategy can certainly help your business hit their heights, there’s still the important processes that go on behind the scenes — like receiving the […]

Why You Need a Messaging Bot for Your Website

Integrating a messaging bot for your website contributes towards your business goals for profitability and growth. A rundown of benefits you can expect.
Technology can bost employee engagement

How Technology Can Boost Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is, in simple terms, how motivated and emotionally invested your employees are in their work for your organization. An engaged employee is someone who shares the same values and wants the company to reach its goals, succeed in its mission, and are not just working for the sake of their paycheck at the […]