digitalhill, Author at Digital Hill Multimedia, Inc.

Bridge Your Offline and Online Marketing Efforts with AdWords

Bridge Your Offline and Online Marketing Efforts with AdWords

It takes money to advertise a business. To know if your money spent on marketing is bringing the result you need, you’ll need to implement some tracking systems. In the past, measuring marketing results has been off and on. Especially when you’re relying on employees to track your offline sales. How can a business reliably […]

New Resource Center Blog for Permalatt Products

Permalatt Products, Inc. has officially launched their new Resource Center (blog site) developed by Digital Hill. Permalatt came to Digital Hill with the problem of low traffic volumes for their website, which in turn meant fewer leads and sales. The Digital Hill team developed a digital marketing strategy, of which a large piece of that strategy was to create a resource […]
Facebook Custom Audiences- The Secret to More Sales

Facebook Custom Audiences: The Secret to More Sales

Most people in the US use Facebook to connect with friends, “Like” Businesses, get their news and entertainment and spend time. Businesses should take a different view of Facebook. As someone that works closely with businesses on their marketing, the demographic information that Facebook is able to gather is amazing. For this reason, alone Facebook […]

Facebook Workshop at the Elkhart Chamber

It’s time for new online marketing methods in 2015! One of the key trends is for businesses to use Facebook well.  The average American Facebook user is now spending 40 minutes a day in total on Facebook!  It blows away time spent anywhere else online and is approaching “television time” averages as well! Elkhart Facebook […]

New Responsive Website for Miller Brother Builders

Digital Hill Multimedia Inc. is excited to announce the release of a new responsive website for Miller Brother Builders. The company Miller Brothers Builders now has a fresh and newly designed website for desktop, mobile and tablet users. Miller Brother Builders came to Digital Hill with the need to reach the mobile phone and tablet device audience, and […]
Should Your Business Have a Smartphone

Should Your Business Have a Smartphone App?

The statistics are astounding… 90% of U.S. adults have a cell phone (Pew Research 1/2014), As of the end of September 2014, 72% of American mobile users have a smartphone (comScore Report). We have become a mobile computing society. For businesses, this means there is an important need to consider how to reach and do business with your customer base […]
Video Shifts in Social Media (1)

Video Shifts in Social Media

As 2015 begins, it ‘s important to look at recent shifts in social media and what your business can do to take advantage of new trends for the coming year to reach potential customers. One of these changing trends is video in social media. We’ll take a look at what’s changed, what the opportunities are, […]

How to Amplify Your Content Publishing Strategy for Reach

Everyone is talking about using content marketing today, but what exactly is it and why does it work so effectively? Often called inbound marketing, the content publishing approach strives to turn website visitors into customers. Using written tactics that align with their interests, hobbies and other passions, our new lead is nurtured to a point […]

Facebook Video Marketing: Increase Blog Post Reach

Facebook is always changing! If you want to market on Facebook, you must adapt and change as Facebook changes. Facebook is now allowing you to load a video directly to your Facebook page. You’re not sharing to your page like YouTube or Vimeo. You’re actually publishing your video on your Facebook page. Like all good […]
Email Nurture Campaigns

Creating Email Nurture Campaigns

Turning website visitors into leads is the first step in building a successful online business. However, once you have those leads, you need to nurture them to turn them into buyers. Visitors that hand over their email details are some of the easiest to convert, since they have already indicated they are interested in what […]