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The Top Myths of Social Media Marketing

Learn the top 5 myths of social media marketing and what to do in your business to avoid falling victim to them. Get your social media marketing done right.

New Construction Company Website: Kauffman Construction

A new construction company website with a WordPress foundation, easy to manage CMS, and gallery to showcase Kauffman Construction's projects.

How to Get Started with Instagram Influencer Marketing

If you’re looking for a way to quickly gain relevant followers and sales at the same time on Instagram, influencer marketing is your best option. It works really well on Instagram. According to a report from emarketer, it is the best network for influencer marketing.

Make Your WordPress Website ADA Compliant with Plugins

Make sure your website is accessible to everyone. These 5 plugins are a way to easily make your Wordpress website ADA compliant.

Increase Lead Conversions with Video

Want to increase leads and sales? Data shows that adding video helps! Increase lead conversions with video by trying these 5 innovative ideas.

How to Create a Simple Sales Funnel on your Website

Looking for ways to generate sales leads? Here's how to create and implement a simple sales funnel on your website in 4 easy steps.

How to Automate Your Website Sales Funnel

Automating your marketing helps grow your business. Here's how to create a sales funnel and develop a content strategy to move new prospects through.

How Cyber Crime Can Affect Your Marketing Strategy

Looking for ways to generate sales leads? Here's how to create and implement a simple sales funnel on your website in 4 easy steps.

Notre Dame Scholars’ Program Website Launch

Announcing the Notre Dame Scholars’ Program website launch. Digital Hill created an easy-to-use site so students can easily access info about the program.

Get Extra Security for your WordPress Website with WordFence

Security for your website is crucial for you and your customers. WordFence is a tool you can use to protect your WordPress site from hackers.