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Jetpack for WordPress – Pros and Cons
Your WordPress website uses plugins to give it advanced functionality. The more plugins you use the slower your site loads. Jetpack adds a lot of features and functionality to your site with just one plugin.

How To Turn YouTube Views Into Leads
YouTube is the second-largest search engine. Use your video content to build your audience. These tips will help you turn YouTube views into leads.

Introducing the Mennonite Health Assembly Website
The new Mennonite Health Assembly website is a mobile responsive site, with simple navigation, member directory and a way to capture leads. Learn more here

How To Do YouTube Keyword Research That Will Really Help Your Business Get Seen
Want more views on Youtube? These strategies will help with your Youtube keyword research to improve your ranking on YouTube and get more views.

Yoast SEO for WordPress Websites
The Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin can optimize your websites search engine results and make your website easier to find.

Introducing the Naples Coastal Vet Website
The Naples Coastal Vet website designed by Digital Hill lets pet owners connect with vet services to quickly and easily get their pet an appointment.

What is WPJobManager and How To Use It On Your WordPress Site
WP Job Manager is a job listing plugin that adds job-board like functionality to your WordPress site. Learn more about this plugin.

Goshen Named Community of the Year by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce
Goshen has been named the 'Community of the Year' by Indiana Chamber of Commerce! Digital Hill is proud to be a part of this wonderful city!

5 WordPress Plugins to Automatically Share your Blog Posts to Social Media
Who doesn't need more website traffic? Use these WordPress plugins to automatically share your blog posts on social media and promote your site.

Social Media for Business Workshop Events
For Lancaster County, PA and surrounding area businesses! Join Mike Gingerich for a powerfully, practical 90 minutes on Social Media for Business marketing at the Candy Factory Co-Working offices in downtown Lancaster. Multiple events, dates, and times. See current list below! Is your business unsure of how to best use Social Media for business marketing? Knowing […]