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Branding your Business_ Critical Tips for Being Seen-315

Branding your Business: Critical Tips for Being Seen [Blab]

Over the last few years, branding has become one of the top buzzwords. So much so that many in the industry have deemed it a waste of time and money. Branding at its core is simply relationship building and awareness of your company. And when done right, it can endear customers to you and your […]
A New Website Launched_ 315 New Beauty Salon Website Launch

Pure Color Salon has everything clients need to get the latest hairstyle. Located in Goshen, Indiana, Pure Color is an ultra-modern, full-service salon and they needed a website that showcased this. Sharida is Pure Color Salon’s owner and premier stylist, boasting years of experience and extensive training. Her commitment and dedication to her clients and […]
What We Learned From Social Media Marketing World 2016

What We Learned From Social Media Marketing World 2016

Social Media Marketing World is the world’s largest social media conference and hosts the top speakers on each platform.  It’s a great venue for learning and networking!  While there were many great speakers this year – Guy Kawasaki, Mari Smith, and Brian Solis, just to name a few – the true impact of Social Media […]
Everything You Know About Marketing Has Changed Part 2

Everything You Know About Marketing Has Changed Part 2

Marketing used to be simple. You’d craft advertisements for print, billboards or television hoping that customers would respond. You could be a bullhorn and just shout out your information. Now, however, with the dawning of social media and the web, many consumers expect a two-way conversation; consumers are asking questions and expect a response from […]
Everything You Know About Marketing Has Changed Part 1

Everything You Know About Marketing Has Changed Part 1

There was a time when marketing consisted of having a good product, shoveling out consistent advertising to get in front of people via print, news, and billboards, and then letting leads call in. Nowadays if you do that – you run the risk of not selling anything at all; learning the new rules of the […]
website management system

Website Management System Case Study: City of Goshen

The city of Goshen came to Digital Hill needing more than just a new website; they needed a website management system. Old Website and Previous Pain Points: 1. Not Easy to Update They were unable to update the previous site on their own. Every time they wanted to change or add something a web developer had […]
How to Track Conversions with Google Analytics 315

How to Track Conversions with Google Analytics

If you’re selling a product or service online, or using your website for lead generation, then you’ll want to track conversions. What are conversions? Simply put, it’s when a visitor (new or returning) comes to your website and is “converted” to a lead prospect or a customer. For example, someone signing up for your email […]
What to Look for in a Social Media Management Tool

What to Look for in a Social Media Management Tool

A social media management tool is an important marketing tool for many small businesses. It can help businesses become more efficient and successful in marketing through the rapidly changing world of social media. Many tools and platforms exist, so the challenge is finding one that will work best for your business. Let’s take a look […]

Using Social Media to Market Your Business

Wanting to use Social Media strategically in marketing your business? Trying to determine what social networks to use?  Learn how using social media to market your business can generate new leads and sales. In this April 28 morning workshop at the Elkhart Chamber sponsored by SCORE, I will discuss how Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram can […]
8 Things you Need to Know About Snapchat for Business (1)

8 Things You Need to Know About Snapchat for Business

With over 100 million users, who “snap” 400 million times a day, Snapchat should be incorporated into your marketing strategy. We talked with Snapchat expert Saba Sedighi about the 8 things you need to know about Snapchat for business. 1. Snapchat’s high engagement benefits business. While Snapchat has less users than Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, […]