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Assess Current Traffic and Build an Improvement Plan

Assess Current Traffic And Build An Improvement Plan

The desire of every website owner is to get visits without using ads to drive views. The goal is to turn up on page 1 of a Google search. Search engine optimization (SEO) and loading your site with paid backlinks are a traditional strategy. Nowadays, these aren’t a long-term strategy. The algorithm that Google uses […]
Developing An Integrated Marketing Plan

Developing An Integrated Marketing Plan

Developing an integrated marketing plan is the key to the success of any business. Templates for marketing plans are available online and can be a decent starting point, but creating a successful marketing plan is more than a matter of filling in some fields in a template with marketing buzzwords. Here are some key aspects […]

Dealer Parts Ordering Systems

Does your company have dealers or distributors? Are you tired of faxes and phone calls taking precious time that could be better used elsewhere? Enter a Solution: Dealer Parts Ordering Systems Manufacturers and other businesses are moving their parts and warranty management systems to web-based solutions that let dealers and distributors order themselves online.  This […]
What You Need To Do Before You Share On Social Media

What You Need To Do Before You Share On Social Media

Social media is a very popular marketing tool. It’s an easy and fun way to connect with consumers, but use caution and think before you post and share on social media. Small errors make you look unprofessional. Here are some quick tips to help you stay out of trouble: Read the articles before posting and make […]
Optimize Your Facebook Page For Branding And Engagement

Optimize Your Facebook Page For Branding And Engagement

You probably have a Facebook page for your business, but is it optimized for search, branding and engagement? Here are some simple pointers to optimize your Page. 1. Personalize Your Facebook Page Cover Image This is a no-brainer. If you don’t have a personalized Facebook page with a good-looking, custom cover image and logo for […]
The Power of Evergreen Content

The Power Of Evergreen Content

You may have realized the value of original content for marketing. But what happens once your content has been read? Does your content have an expiration date? Consider that your content sometimes has a lifespan. If you write about a holiday such as Valentine’s day, that piece is going to have the greatest value immediately […]
Expand Your Business By Focusing On The Gaps (1)

Expand Your Business By Focusing On The Gaps

Being a business owner is difficult enough without having to compete against other companies for a potential customer’s attention. While competition drives growth, it can also cause hardship. Identifying and filling unique gaps in what your industry offers customers can build your sales and bottom line. To do this, there’s a lot to think about […]

New Senior Developer Manager Hired

Digital Hill Multimedia Announces Hiring of Nathan DeSelm Goshen, IN – Digital Hill, an Elkhart County based web design, social media, and Internet Marketing firm is pleased to announce the hiring of Nathan DeSelm as Senior Developer Manager. DeSelm assumed the new role on October 12, 2015.  DeSelm has worked in digital and web development for […]
The Power Of Going Deep Into Your Niche (1)

The Power Of Going Deep Into Your Niche

Think about it. If a company is selling sporting goods, does it make sense to market to people who have no interest in skiing or golf? No. Why waste time and money trying to engage an audience that has no use for its products? And why waste precious resources chasing a market share it will […]
What we do on the web web ordering systems 600

B2B Web Ordering Systems

Want your business to be more efficient? How about save money? We help businesses with web tools for business processes “in the cloud”! Want to get past faxes, snail mail, phone orders, and in-house network servers and allow your dealers, retailers, distributors, etc. to order online, in real-time, from anywhere with an Internet connection? In […]