Analytics Archives

Developing An Integrated Marketing Plan

Developing An Integrated Marketing Plan

Developing an integrated marketing plan is the key to the success of any business. Templates for marketing plans are available online and can be a decent starting point, but creating a successful marketing plan is more than a matter of filling in some fields in a template with marketing buzzwords. Here are some key aspects […]
Metrics to Review to Measure the Success of your Website Marketing

Metrics to Measure the Success of Your Website Marketing

The only way you can make progress with your online business is to keep track and measure your activities. For most small business owners, measuring sales is at the top of the monthly and quarterly agendas. However, sales are a result of the marketing strategies and processes implemented in the business, so it makes sense to […]

New Responsive Website For Goshen Electric Has Launched

Digital Hill Multimedia Inc. is excited to announce the lunch of the new responsive website for Goshen Electric, Inc. The company Goshen Electric  now has a fresh and newly designed website for desktop, mobile and tablet users. Goshen Electric came to Digital Hill with the need to improve and enhance their digital presence and we here at Digital Hill knew actually how […]

Introduction to Tracking Effectiveness of your Online Marketing

Most growing companies recognize the important of having a strong online, digital presence. Potential and existing customers are searching for information online, mobile web use for finding information prior to purchase continues to grow, and social media networks have reached a tipping point where more participate than don’t participate.  Once a company has their website, […]