Blab Archives

The components of successful marketplace management
The more goods are produced – the more ecommerce becomes popular. Modern world is built on digitalization, so you need to know everything about marketplaces and how to manage them. Such knowledge will help to overcome the way from selling goods to sold ones. So, let’s talk about marketplace management and how to get the […]

What You Need to Know About the Changes in Business Live Streaming [BLAB]
As marketers have rushed to embrace the nuances of social media marketing, along comes another opportunity. Live-streaming is recognized as the newest chance to grab a viewer’s attention and hold it. In the past, live video broadcasting was only available to multimillion dollar television networks. Now you only need a smartphone and an app. Today […]

Facebook Pages vs. Groups: Do You Need Both?
Facebook is an essential ingredient in any social media plan. It lets you promote your business, interact with clients and potential customers while presenting you as an important resource to anyone looking for your products or services. There are two main ways to promote your business on Facebook. Facebook Business Page Facebook Group What are […]

Successfully Outsourcing Your Social Media [Blab]
To increase your business customer base and spread the word about products and services, savvy businesses are using social media. From snail mail and emails to tweeting and posting on Facebook, there are many ways for business owners to market their business and reach both potential customers, and those who have been loyal customers. Social […]

How to Grow Your Audience with Podcasting
In our recent #MagnetMarketers live Blab session, Jessika Phillips and I discussed getting started with a podcast and how to use a podcast to connect with a broader audience. We talked about the questions I most frequently get asked to help a business understand how podcasting may be a great option for getting the word […]

Branding your Business: Critical Tips for Being Seen [Blab]
Over the last few years, branding has become one of the top buzzwords. So much so that many in the industry have deemed it a waste of time and money. Branding at its core is simply relationship building and awareness of your company. And when done right, it can endear customers to you and your […]

What We Learned From Social Media Marketing World 2016
Social Media Marketing World is the world’s largest social media conference and hosts the top speakers on each platform. It’s a great venue for learning and networking! While there were many great speakers this year – Guy Kawasaki, Mari Smith, and Brian Solis, just to name a few – the true impact of Social Media […]

Everything You Know About Marketing Has Changed Part 2
Marketing used to be simple. You’d craft advertisements for print, billboards or television hoping that customers would respond. You could be a bullhorn and just shout out your information. Now, however, with the dawning of social media and the web, many consumers expect a two-way conversation; consumers are asking questions and expect a response from […]

Everything You Know About Marketing Has Changed Part 1
There was a time when marketing consisted of having a good product, shoveling out consistent advertising to get in front of people via print, news, and billboards, and then letting leads call in. Nowadays if you do that – you run the risk of not selling anything at all; learning the new rules of the […]

What to Look for in a Social Media Management Tool
A social media management tool is an important marketing tool for many small businesses. It can help businesses become more efficient and successful in marketing through the rapidly changing world of social media. Many tools and platforms exist, so the challenge is finding one that will work best for your business. Let’s take a look […]