Digital Marketing Archives

What We Learned From Social Media Marketing World 2016
Social Media Marketing World is the world’s largest social media conference and hosts the top speakers on each platform. It’s a great venue for learning and networking! While there were many great speakers this year – Guy Kawasaki, Mari Smith, and Brian Solis, just to name a few – the true impact of Social Media […]

YouTube Red: What Is It and Do You Need It?
As any of the current crop of “YouTube Stars” could tell you, there is money to be made from online videos. Thanks to hundreds of thousands of subscribers thirsting for entertaining, original content, these new-media entrepreneurs have made it big. Getting the Most Out of Your Streaming Content Traditionally, creating engaging content was half the […]

Everything You Know About Marketing Has Changed Part 2
Marketing used to be simple. You’d craft advertisements for print, billboards or television hoping that customers would respond. You could be a bullhorn and just shout out your information. Now, however, with the dawning of social media and the web, many consumers expect a two-way conversation; consumers are asking questions and expect a response from […]

Improve Your Website Traffic Using Google Analytics
Do you understand your website traffic? Have a website? Do you know how much traffic it gets? If you said YES, … Awesome! But have you mastered it? More on that point coming soon in Master Your Google Analytics. If you said NO, then why not? Your website is the face of your business in today’s digitally advanced world. If […]

Everything You Know About Marketing Has Changed Part 1
There was a time when marketing consisted of having a good product, shoveling out consistent advertising to get in front of people via print, news, and billboards, and then letting leads call in. Nowadays if you do that – you run the risk of not selling anything at all; learning the new rules of the […]

How to Track Conversions with Google Analytics
If you’re selling a product or service online, or using your website for lead generation, then you’ll want to track conversions. What are conversions? Simply put, it’s when a visitor (new or returning) comes to your website and is “converted” to a lead prospect or a customer. For example, someone signing up for your email […]

What to Look for in a Social Media Management Tool
A social media management tool is an important marketing tool for many small businesses. It can help businesses become more efficient and successful in marketing through the rapidly changing world of social media. Many tools and platforms exist, so the challenge is finding one that will work best for your business. Let’s take a look […]

Calls to Action That Get Action
Calls to action, (CTA’s) are critical to online marketing success. In simple terms, the call to action is a link, button or even phrase that urges potential customers to take some type of action. For instance, if you send an e-mail newsletter to potential clients, you might add a link that says “Start a free […]

Two Critical Keys for your Business Website Today
Key #1: Blogging is here to Stay, Make Sure Your Business is too In today’s consumer and information-based economy, a blog is a necessity for any successful business website. Blogs are an effective way to communicate about a product or a service or provide the viewer with important information regarding your industry. When presented with […]

Subscription and Membership Website:
The launch of a new Membership Subscription website Recently Digital Hill created a new membership web system for the New Science of Selling team. The challenge was to create a website that allowed financial advisers to provide confidential services to their clients. Financial advisers can provide better guidance with better information, but the tools for […]