Digital Marketing Archives

The 3 Keys to a Digital Marketing Power Strategy
Need more leads? Trying to attract a wider audience? The key is a cohesive digital marketing strategy. Most times when I’m invited to do consulting or a digital marketing audit, one of the first findings is that the marketing is splintered. What is done on Facebook is not connected to the strategies used on the […]

How Search Optimization has Changed
You’re familiar with searching for things online. Whether a question you have, or a product you want, or for doing cost comparisons. In fact, the word “Google” has become a verb for doing an online search! You’ve likely heard this before, “just google it!” The Basics: Any time a search engine like Google, Yahoo, or […]

March Social Media Workshop Event for Businesses
DATE: Tuesday, March 4 – 8-11:30 a.m. at the Elkhart Chamber Practical, tactical, and empowering workshop to help businesses take advantage of the power of social media as a way to market their business. • Wanting to use Social Media strategically in your business? • Trying to determine what social networks to be on? • Having trouble […]

How To Create a Loyal Customer Community Online
Social Media can help a business grow a community of fans interested in your products and services. The social interaction can increase loyalty, retention, top-of-mind awareness, and ultimately increase sales and sustain long-term client relationships. There is work to do this, however! Many marketers jump on Social Media and expect instant results. They often see […]

Businesses Must Niche Target Digital Marketing
The days of general broadcast messages online are over. It’s important for businesses, if they want to be effective online, to identify their target audience and communicate specifically in ways that are relevant to that audience. There may be more than one target audience for a business or even a product, and each audience needs […]

7 Ways to Use Images in Social Media
Images. They are critical in digital media today. In both social media as well as on blogs and websites, visual imagery has moved to the forefront and is something every digital marketer must master. Images captures attention, communicates more, and inspires engagement. A leading online software system for businesses, HubSpot, conducted research on images in digital […]

Steps to Update your LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is the premier business social network for finding suppliers, vendors, and services. I attended the New Media Expo conference in Las Vegas in early January. This event is a massive melting pot of social media experts, digital marketers, website hosting companies, podcasters, video and web tv producers and more. It’s basically a tech geek’s slice […]

Growing Online Leads and Sales – Part 3
Stop! Review. Plan Changes. Then proceed! Your Digital presence cannot be static. It’s time to review your digital marketing and make changes to succeed. This is the last post in the series of “how to advance your business online in 2014.” The first two posts are available here: How to Massively Improve Your Digital Marketing […]

Grow Your Online Leads and Sales – Part 2
As I noted in my last post, the beginning of a new year provides a great opportunity for every company to review, evaluate, and plan needed innovations for the year ahead. Overcome your fears, dive in, and achieve new heights! The web does indeed change quickly and innovation is constant. There are changes in Google […]

How to Grow More Leads and Sales on the Web
Ready to grow your leads and sales via your online marketing this year? The beginning of a season provides a natural opportunity for every company to review, evaluate, and plan needed innovations for the year ahead. This is even more critical to do with a company’s online presence and technologies because the web changes and advances so […]