Events Archives

March Social Media Workshop Event for Businesses
DATE: Tuesday, March 4 – 8-11:30 a.m. at the Elkhart Chamber Practical, tactical, and empowering workshop to help businesses take advantage of the power of social media as a way to market their business. • Wanting to use Social Media strategically in your business? • Trying to determine what social networks to be on? • Having trouble […]

Grow Leads and Sales with Social Media (Workshop Event)
WORKSHOP ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Schedule: 8-8:30 Continental Breakfast, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Workshop Practical, tactical, and empowering workshop to help businesses take advantage of the power of social media as a way to market their business. • Wanting to use Social Media strategically in your business? • Trying to determine what social networks to be on? • Having trouble […]

Facebook for Business Marketing Workshop
With over 1.15 billion users, Facebook is the world’s largest connecting place! People spend time there and for businesses It offers a valuable opportunity to be seen by and interact with potential customers. As compared to “pull” marketing where the goal is “pull someone to your website,” Facebook offers ability for “intersection marketing” where a […]