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Facebook Marketing Archives

Facebook Marketing Strategies that have Proven to be Successful-315

Facebook Marketing Strategies that have Proven to be Successful

Marketing and Facebook have become bosom buddies. Facebook sits at the top of social media platforms and key marketing opportunities. By using Facebook, you can ramp up conversions, traffic, sales, and social media following all while growing your brand’s influence. To capitalize on this giant’s marketing power, you need to use effective strategies. Proven Strategies […]
How to use Facebook Live Video to drive Social Media Traffic to your Landing Page - 315

How to Use Facebook Live Video to Drive Social Media Traffic to your Landing Page

Although live video apps like Periscope have been around since 2015, it wasn’t until 2016 that they took center stage, all thanks to Facebook’s Live video feature. Since its introduction, Live Video has been used for many reasons from every day to controversial. As a business, your usage of live video should focus on driving […]
What is Relationship Marketing_

What is Relationship Marketing?

Relationship marketing emphasizes the value of building relationships with potential clients above simply making sales. It places emphasis on engaging with your audience, by recognizing those factors which make them human – their wants, their needs, and their pain points. When traditional marketing ruled the day, this wasn’t the case. But with the appearance of […]
The Facts about Social Media - 315

The Facts about Social Media [Infographic]

Social media has become interwoven in our everyday lives. While no one would argue it has become a force for change, the reach it has is quite staggering. When deciding on a social media strategy for your business, it’s important to keep these facts in mind. One Site to Rule Them All While Facebook, YouTube, […]
5 Reasons Why Remarketing Ads Will Build Your Business -315

5 Reasons Why Remarketing Ads Will Build Your Business

While drawing users to your website is an important step in lead conversion, potential consumers often site visitors can become distracted for many reasons. They simply tend to get distracted by mundane events such as phone calls, Facebook notifications, restroom breaks, or emails. This can cause them to leave your website without contacting you or […]
Facebook Pages vs. Groups_ Do You Need Both_ - 315

Facebook Pages vs. Groups: Do You Need Both?

Facebook is an essential ingredient in any social media plan. It lets you promote your business, interact with clients and potential customers while presenting you as an important resource to anyone looking for your products or services. There are two main ways to promote your business on Facebook. Facebook Business Page Facebook Group What are […]
How to Use the Cloud to Brainstorm Social Media Content

How to Use the Cloud to Brainstorm Social Media Content

When it comes to creative ideas, some people just bubble over with innovative, out-of-the-box concepts. Even people who come up with impactful campaigns and inventive methods of grabbing customers’ attention, run into a wall every now and then. The reality is that even the most creative minds get stuck every once in a while. With […]
5 Ways for Manufacturers to Use Social Media -315

5 Ways for Manufacturers to Use Social Media

The internet and smartphone revolution has completely changed how business is done. Billboards and newspapers were the primary means of advertising in the past, but they won’t get you too far in the current market. Today, the internet is king and rightly so. With more that 85% of American adults having access to the internet […]
What We Learned From Social Media Marketing World 2016

What We Learned From Social Media Marketing World 2016

Social Media Marketing World is the world’s largest social media conference and hosts the top speakers on each platform.  It’s a great venue for learning and networking!  While there were many great speakers this year – Guy Kawasaki, Mari Smith, and Brian Solis, just to name a few – the true impact of Social Media […]
Everything You Know About Marketing Has Changed Part 2

Everything You Know About Marketing Has Changed Part 2

Marketing used to be simple. You’d craft advertisements for print, billboards or television hoping that customers would respond. You could be a bullhorn and just shout out your information. Now, however, with the dawning of social media and the web, many consumers expect a two-way conversation; consumers are asking questions and expect a response from […]