Internet Marketing Archives

How to Create a Simple Sales Funnel on your Website
Looking for ways to generate sales leads? Here's how to create and implement a simple sales funnel on your website in 4 easy steps.

Sneaky Ways to Show Up In Google Search
For people to easily find your business you much show up on page 1 of Google search results for your keyword. Here are 3 Google features will help get a leg up on the competition and get on page 1 of Google!

What US Businesses Need to Know About the GDPR
What is GDPR and will it affect your business? GDPR is designed to give citizens of Europe more control over their personal data. The GDPR comes into effect May 25. Do businesses in the US need to worry about it? Maybe. Here's what you need to know.

Facebook Ads vs LinkedIn Ads vs Twitter Ads vs Google AdWords
Digital marketing truly has revolutionized the way we reach people. Even though it’s better, faster and more affordable to advertise in the internet age, some of the old rules still apply. One of those rules is that you need to know who your target customer is and choose the right marketing channels to reach them. […]

What is Relationship Marketing?
Relationship marketing emphasizes the value of building relationships with potential clients above simply making sales. It places emphasis on engaging with your audience, by recognizing those factors which make them human – their wants, their needs, and their pain points. When traditional marketing ruled the day, this wasn’t the case. But with the appearance of […]

Why You Need a Resource Center on your Website
So you have a website. It’s got a shiny new design, a few products and pages, a gallery and a few other bells and whistles. You can move on now, right? Actually, if you want your website to be a real marketing tool, that’s dead wrong. There are many reasons your website should be more […]

Simple Marketing Tips For Small And Medium Scale Entrepreneurs
Gone are the days when only big players ruled the industry; today small and medium scale enterprises have been giving some pretty serious competition to all the top brands. And all high tech marketing tools and promotional platforms have only made it easier for local businesses to venture out into the global market. Armed with […]

What your New Business Website Needs to be Successful
Are you starting a new business or division and need a website? Is your current website dated? Or does it need a facelift with new tools? There are some important factors to take into consideration as you look ahead to a new site. These factors will help distinguish you from your competition, make your site […]

Using Social Media Calendars to Engage Your Target Audience
Most of us use social media, whether it’s to stay in touch with family and friends or build a business. You may have had to deal with an overzealous Facebook friend (for example), who either rants endlessly or shares more posts than you could ever read. What they don’t realize is that despite all good […]

Digging Into Google Analytics Workshop @ The Goshen Chamber
Join Mike Gingerich and Joe Mehl at the Goshen Chamber of Commerce University Workshop… “DIGGING INTO GOOGLE ANALYTICS WORKSHOP” Together we’ll cover the in’s and out’s of Google Analytics and how it can be used by businesses to help understand your website traffic and how understanding that traffic can help grow your business! At the Google […]