Mobile Archives

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Google Search Goes Mobile First

Accessing the internet on mobile devices has officially overtaken desktop access. Not quite sure if this matters? Take a look at the latest big search change from Google. The search engine giant announced it would release a mobile search separate from its desktop search. Indexing a site is the process of scanning a website to […]

Recent SEO Updates

. With Google constantly changing what it wants and expects from website owners, it’s hard to keep up to help your site rank well in searches. Google is also extremely secretive about its updates (to help prevent Black Hat SEOs from gaming the system), which makes it even more challenging to know what to do […]
5 Website Items To Review And Revise For A Successful 2016

5 Website Items To Review And Revise For A Successful 2016

The New Year is here, and it’s time to make a website action plan for 2016. Taking the time to address key parts of a business website is vital to ensure you’re successful with bigger results down the road. Technology moves fast, and to stay competitive, websites need to keep up with the latest standards. […]

7 Ways Manufacturers Can Use Instagram To Grow Brand Awareness

Manufacturers can and should value social media marketing as a unique way to build brand awareness, grow revenue and reach new markets and audiences. A recent study of B2B marketing by Brightcove shows that 87% of B2B brands and manufacturers engage in some form of social media marketing.  It works…if you do it right. New […]

Red Diamond Services – New Website Launch

New Client Website Launch for Red Diamond Services! Check out their new website. You’ll find everything you need to know with a few clicks of the mouse, and of course, it’s mobile responsive! Meet Red Diamond Services With over 18 years of experience in the corporate world, Red Diamond Services understands how difficult it is to balance a career, […]
8 ways

8 Easy Ways to Keep Visitors on Your Website

  Thanks to our friends over at Red Web Design for this helpful graphic! Avoid Excessive Advertising Ads can be a helpful monetizing tool, but too many are annoying! Make Your Website Lightning-Fast Many users are impatient and will leave if delayed. Reduce image sizes, use a caching plugin, and keep code clear of unnecessary […]
Assess Current Traffic and Build an Improvement Plan

Assess Current Traffic And Build An Improvement Plan

The desire of every website owner is to get visits without using ads to drive views. The goal is to turn up on page 1 of a Google search. Search engine optimization (SEO) and loading your site with paid backlinks are a traditional strategy. Nowadays, these aren’t a long-term strategy. The algorithm that Google uses […]
What we do on the web Masters design build 3

Master’s Design Build – High-End Website Design

Post #2 in our What We Do on the Web Series Digital Hill is excited to announce the launch of the new responsive website redesign for Master’s Design Build of Hatfield, PA. Their new website showcases the masterful work they do in additions and remodeling. Master’s Design Build needed a new high-end look on the web […]

Website Redesign – Century Chemical Corp.

Digital Hill Multimedia announces the release of a new responsive website for Century Chemical Corporation. Century Chemical now has a fresh and newly redesigned website for desktop, mobile and tablet users. Century Chemical needed to reach the mobile phone and tablet device audience, and the new responsive site they received is performing well for that purpose! Clean, Readable Responsive Website Redesign Check out Century […]

Responsive Website Redesign for Metalstamp, Inc.

  Digital Hill Multimedia Inc. is excited to announce the lunch of the new responsive website redesign for Metalstamp, Inc. Their new website works for desktop, mobile and tablet users. Metalstamp needed to update their web presence and improve search engine optimization (SEO). Their old site was out-of-date which made using and finding information on the site a tedious task. […]