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SEO Archives

How to Get More Conversions on your Website-315

How to Get More Conversions on your Website

Many online marketers believe that more leads result in more conversions, so they concentrate on generating leads and not on anything else. But this doesn’t mean you don’t need to drive conversions — not if you want to keep ahead of the game. After all, every step in the marketing funnel is just as significant […]
Keyword Research for Website SEO-315

Keyword Research for Website SEO

Keyword research for SEO is where you research the terms people type into search engines when looking for resources similar to your site. Once you know what these keywords are, you can incorporate them into your website content. Do this consistently, and your site will rank for the keywords and keyword phrases on search engine […]
What are Image Alt Tags and Why You Need to Use Them-315

What are Image Alt Tags and Why You Need to Use Them

Chances are, when someone lands on your website, they’ll never see your alt image tags at all. However, that doesn’t mean they’re not important. What Are Alt Tags? Alt tags describe an image, in a piece of HTML code, much like a header tag or any other piece of HTML code on your site. Like […]
New Website Checklist_ Make Sure Your SEO is Done Before You Launch - 315

New Website Checklist: Make Sure Your SEO is Done Before You Launch

You want to make sure your new website looks good and works well. That means no dead links, no blank pages, and no overlooked bugs. But beyond the form and function, there’s another element you need to look at, and that’s SEO. And in light of Google’s move to prioritize mobile websites, it’s all the […]
Affordable Small Business Website -

Affordable Small Business Website – ApplianceTech-Inc

In the modern world, virtually all businesses need an online web presence. When searching for information regarding a company or product, the first place many people will look is via a Google Search. Websites, however, can seem like a big hurdle, especially for a small business. Designed by Digital Hill, Appliance Tech Inc.’s new one-page […]
's New Pixel Phone will do for Mobile SEO - 315

What Google’s New Pixel Phone will do for Mobile SEO

Google’s new voice search platform, Google assistant, is an integral part of the new Google Pixel. Learn how voice search is leading the evolution in mobile SEO. Google made a big splash recently with their new smartphone announcement, the Google Pixel. It’s Google’s first foray into the smartphone market since the introduction of their Nexus […]
Why You Need a Resource Center on your Website

Why You Need a Resource Center on your Website

So you have a website. It’s got a shiny new design, a few products and pages, a gallery and a few other bells and whistles. You can move on now, right? Actually, if you want your website to be a real marketing tool, that’s dead wrong. There are many reasons your website should be more […]

Recent SEO Updates

. With Google constantly changing what it wants and expects from website owners, it’s hard to keep up to help your site rank well in searches. Google is also extremely secretive about its updates (to help prevent Black Hat SEOs from gaming the system), which makes it even more challenging to know what to do […]
simple marketing tips for small and medium size businesses

Simple Marketing Tips For Small And Medium Scale Entrepreneurs

Gone are the days when only big players ruled the industry; today small and medium scale enterprises have been giving some pretty serious competition to all the top brands. And all high tech marketing tools and promotional platforms have only made it easier for local businesses to venture out into the global market. Armed with […]
SEO Basics

SEO Basics [infographic]

Are you overwhelmed by SEO? To correctly optimize a page for SEO takes time and persistence but it can be learned. Keywords Keywords make SEO work. They’re what people use when searching online and what search engines look for when scanning websites. The keyword should always be included in the title, URL, and headings. The […]