How To Use AI To Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, refers to the intelligence a machine can possess versus the intelligence that a human being can have, and this usually comes in the form of software. There are a few types of AI technology, but the ones primarily used in business are natural language processing, machine learning, and computer vision.

How is AI used in digital marketing

AI is a versatile tool that you can use to manage your workflow, reach your audience, and transform leads into returning customers. There are lots of moving parts to a digital marketing campaign, but luckily, many tools can aid in managing them to set you up for success.

For starters, AI can benefit digital marketers by generating ideas for campaigns and assisting in behind-the-scenes work like scheduling and collaboration among and across your teams.

AI can also be leveraged in marketing for customer-facing positions, like answering questions via direct messages, email campaign automation, and giving customers recommendations through an algorithm. With the help of AI, you can reach customers swiftly and target marketing campaigns accordingly without having to do extra manual work.

AI can also assist in managing data ops for your entire company. Good data management lets you see what marketing approaches are working and which need more reassessment. AI can do everything from automatically segmenting your customers to lead scoring based on trends. 

Benefits of AI in digital marketing

Utilizing AI in your digital marketing strategy comes with a ton of benefits, including: 

  • Saving time: AI can help business owners and managers get time back in their day for higher-level tasks instead of being bogged down by rigmarole.
  • Data insights and more accurate targeting: AI can synthesize data quickly, whereas manual data analysis can miss patterns. This synthesis leads to more accurate targeting for marketing ventures, which leads to more customers.
  • Trend prediction: AI’s data synthesis capabilities also mean that after some time in your industry, it will be able to pick up on overall patterns and predict the latest trends. These predictions will keep your business ahead of the competition.
  • Scalability: Since you can easily scale AI, you’ll still be able to reap its benefits even if you experience rapid growth. AI can also make exponential growth easier to manage, so you can minimize stress and just bask in your success. 
  • Innovation: Working with AI technology means getting ideas you may not have otherwise, which could lead you to your next big feature, product, or marketing campaign. 

These are just a handful of benefits that you’ll start reaping once you implement AI in your digital marketing strategy.

How to use AI in your digital marketing strategy

If you’re stuck on where to begin and still feel unfamiliar with AI technology, it may be good to start small. Implementing too many ideas can lead to your team getting overwhelmed and denting your usual productivity instead of boosting it.

Data collection and operation

AI data collection and operation is a foundational step that sets the stage for successful marketing strategies. Data collection is crucial when measuring your campaigns’ success and gauging marketing pain points. Staying on top of your data is important to know what’s working and what needs to be tweaked going forward.


Within the digital marketing sphere, personalization can take on many forms. If you plan on leveraging AI for a more personalized audience experience, the most important thing to consider is that people like to feel seen and understood. 

One of the most popular personalization methods is algorithmic recommendations based on their viewing history or other segmentations. Recommending products that align with an audience member’s goals (or otherwise appeal to them) means that they’re more likely to take the plunge and purchase. For expert guidance on implementing AI-driven personalization strategies in your digital marketing campaigns, consult an AI development services company with a proven track record of success.

Audience segmentation

Audience segmentation is the practice of breaking your audience up into groups based on factors like age, purchase history, or location. Segmentation is similar to personalization in that you appeal to audience members from a relatability point of view.

AI can help break your audience up into segments, analyze your proportions, and strategize accordingly. For example, consider using AI for local collaborations if you find that a significant portion of your audience resides in the same city.

AI content creation 

AI can create beautiful images and poignant text in seconds, so it’s a great tool to leverage for digital marketing. Since AI-generated images are unique, you’ll stand out from your competition and still have eye-catching pieces.

AI text generation can make email copy, Instagram captions, website images, and blog posts as easy as clicking a button. All you need to do is build and maintain a reliable pool of keywords the AI can work with.

With the rapid advancements in natural language processing, AI subtitles have also become a valuable tool for content creators. By leveraging this feature, video content can be automatically transcribed and translated, enhancing accessibility and widening the reach of multimedia content

Targeted ads 

Targeted ads are paid advertisements geared toward a certain demographic—for a print example, think high-end clothing brands publishing ads in fashion magazines. Digital targeted ads may address certain age groups or popular demographics for different social media platforms, but the sky’s the limit.

AI virtual assistance

AI virtual assistance refers to any AI software that talks directly to customers in place of a person. This category covers software like website chatbots, social media chatbots, and automated email replies. However, any instance where a customer asks a question and AI responds falls under this category.


Understanding how to use AI in your digital marketing strategy can be difficult—you may be overwhelmed and unsure where to start. Looking at the different tools available and aligning the benefits of AI with your business goals are great first steps to figuring out which software is right for your team.

Shopping for an AI tool is much like shopping for other things in your life and requires research and a bit of trial and error, but that’s where Digital Hill comes in. Stick with us to learn more about tech, digital marketing, and the latest industry trends.