How User-Generated Content Increases Website Traffic

Word-of-mouth has always been important to businesses, as people trust other people. In the modern day, this happens less through face-to-face interaction and more through user-generated content. After all, people like to talk about the things they enjoy, and luckily for your business, you can utilize this content. Learn how below. 

What is User-Generated Content?

Typically, user-generated content is any content users post online about your products. This could be social media posts, online reviews, or video testimonials. Usually, this content is authentic and created by fans of the products. 

The Value of User-Generated Content

Customers are much more likely to trust other customers than the brand themselves. This is why using this type of content can be so beneficial to your business while helping to solidify your brand within your industry niche. In fact, 88% of consumers look to peers for references, rather than reading reviews or trusting a brand. Furthermore, user-generated content generates twice the amount of sales compared to other advertising means, but, less than 30% of brands are currently utilizing this marketing opportunity consistently. The real value of user-generated content lies in its authenticity. 

Using the power of word-of-mouth in the digital realm offers numerous benefits to your business. Some of these benefits include:

  • Expanding the reach of your business on social media to new audiences
  • Humanize marketing by putting customers at the front of your brand
  • Builds trust in your business and brand
  • Is very cost-effective while offering a high return on investment

How Does It Work?

User-generated content can be paid for by your business or found by searching posts in which your business has been tagged. When your business comes across positive content regarding your brand, you should comment on it and then share the post, video, or story. For user-generated content that goes viral, your business may want to consider reaching out to the creator to send them some free merchandise or new products as a thank you. 

This not only makes the creator feel seen but showcases your business in a good light to potential customers. 

How to Encourage Users to Share Their Feedback

To be effective, you want to ensure your customers post about your business. To encourage your audience, consider holding a contest or challenge on social media. Use a specific hashtag to track the challenge entries, and spend time on social media commenting on and liking posts. Additionally, create hashtags that you include in customers’ packages to encourage them to share unboxings, try-ons, or other relevant content. By utilizing different hashtags for different types of content, your business can influence the type of user-generated content being created. This is especially helpful from a marketing perspective. 


Some user-generated content is so good that your business may want to use it in advertising campaigns. However, to do this, you must first reach out to the creator for permission. After all, they own the rights to their content. Ensure that you offer appropriate compensation for using the content, and be respectful if the creator declines. If they agree, this can be a great opportunity to discuss future collaborations and more. 

Consumers will always trust their peers over a brand, especially when it comes to the promotion of products. Utilize your business’ loyal customers to spread the word and enjoy the increase in website traffic and sales that come along with authentic reviews.