Optimize Your Facebook Page For Branding And Engagement

Optimize Your Facebook Page For Branding And Engagement (1)

You probably have a Facebook page for your business, but is it optimized for search, branding and engagement? Here are some simple pointers to optimize your Page.

1. Personalize Your Facebook Page Cover Image

This is a no-brainer. If you don’t have a personalized Facebook page with a good-looking, custom cover image and logo for your profile picture, you’re missing out.

A Facebook cover photo should be 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels high. Your Facebook profile picture should be 180 pixels by 180 pixels, and typically this is where you should use your logo.

For the cover image, be aware that buttons and the profile photo are “on top” of the image, so plan your image design accordingly so that key pieces are not covered up.

Here are several examples that use ingenious ways to integrate their brand logo into the cover image.

author cover image

Example of an Author Facebook page


moz facebook cover image

Example of great use of the logo/mascot

ET cover image

Example of great use of the profile image tied to the cover image

Wondering how they do it? Take a look at this software, it’s an easy way to get a stunning Facebook cover vignette.


2. Include Links in Your Image Posts

Of all the types of Facebook posts, image posts historically get the most engagement (now video posts are surging so be aware of that!).

For the large picture post, your image should be rectangular, at least 600 x 315 pixels (best is 1200 x 630), and for best results should have text on the image.

A photo without text is like a book cover without a title. Don’t squander this valuable opportunity for branding, messaging and links.

3. Add Your Website URL or Logo to Your Image

Brand your image that you post with your logo or website URL on the image. That way when your post is shared on other social media networks readers will know where they can go to get the original article.

Tip: This can easily be done by setting up a template one time in Canva, and then loading new images there, adding your template, and exporting the image!

4. Talk About Trending Subjects

How many times have you seen a newsworthy item on Facebook?

With people spending close to 40 minutes on Facebook a day, it makes sense that they will get news on the site. Why not provide features or discussions tied into the headlines of the day, perhaps with a spin that hooks them into your products or services if possible.

Engagement is about being relevant, timely, and intriguing.

5. Complete Your “About” Information

People who want to know more about your business will go to your Facebook Page “About” section. If you don’t complete this section, you’re missing out on interested readers! Add your company’s contact info, history and a bit about your brand and products.

Be sure to complete the web address section as well.

6. Post Regular Updates to Facebook

Most people visit Facebook on a daily basis. If you’re not updating your Facebook page at regular intervals, you’re probably missing your audience.

Only new content gets pushed to the news feed, and you want to make sure you have content for the people that want to hear from you. By posting on a regular basis, people will come to expect and look forward to your content.

What is a regular basis? Aim for a minimum of 2x per day if possible.

7. Use Facebook’s “Boost” Feature Occasionally

It’s competitive to be seen on Facebook! There are lots of posts any given user could see from fans and Pages they’ve liked.

Also, Facebook’s current algorithm decreases the likelihood of fans seeing most of your page updates, even if they have “Liked” items you’ve posted in the past because it is geared to “rank” what people want to see by their past interactions.

Facebook is quickly becoming a “pay to play” platform. To ensure you are seen the boost post ad feature may need to be used.

“Boosting” can raise your company’s visibility at key moments when it otherwise might go unnoticed. Facebook’s ad pricing is very reasonable, and their demographic capabilities allow you to target and drill in on exactly who you want to reach.

By optimizing your Facebook page for search and visibility, people will get to know your brand and become loyal viewers and customers.