
An Introduction To Waftio

An Introduction To Waftio

A site that doesn’t generate leads is one that’s not performing. By neglecting this aspect of a site, people unwittingly allow their business’s prospects to suffer. If your site is no more that a digital brochure that only functions to provide information concerning the business, it’s time to change. Treat the website as though it’s […]
5 Website Items To Review And Revise For A Successful 2016

5 Website Items To Review And Revise For A Successful 2016

The New Year is here, and it’s time to make a website action plan for 2016. Taking the time to address key parts of a business website is vital to ensure you’re successful with bigger results down the road. Technology moves fast, and to stay competitive, websites need to keep up with the latest standards. […]
Business Success Online (3)

Business Success Online In Person Workshop

Things change fast online. What worked online 2 years ago, might be old now. What was leading edge 3 years ago, may be obsolete. You need to stay current on what is working right now and adapt it to your audience. In this workshop, you’ll discover the 4 items that matter for your website, social […]
BLAB- If your website doesn't have this you're missing out

Website Keys: If Your Website Doesn’t Have This You’re Missing Out

If your website doesn’t have this, your missing out! Each week on #MagnetMarketers we dive into a 30+ minute topic on digital marketing live via video on a service called Blab. This week we dove into website keys.  Here’s the overview of the discussion presented by co-hosts Jessika Phillips and Mike Gingerich. Website Content No matter the size […]
How To Create Personalized Automated Emails

How To Create Personalized Automated Emails

As your business seeks to grow, one method to help is to set up an automated sales pipelines online using email. This use of automated “drip marketing” emails can increase efficiency and allow the business to continue to nurture a prospect in the journey to becoming a customer. However, this new addition needs to be […]
BLAB- How to Handle Negative Feedback on Social Media

Blab: How to Handle Negative Feedback on Social Media

Negative comments and reviews are an unfortunate reality of doing business on the web. The question isn’t if you receive negative comments, it’s when you do, and how you react to them. Don’t shy away from them, it’s an open dialogue that you can use to be part of a conversation. You have a voice […]

Web-Based Warranty System Solutions

Does your company have an in-house warranty program? Is your customer service team maxed out processing warranty claim input? Are you tired of faxes and phone calls using time that could be better spent elsewhere? Enter a Solution: Web-Based Warranty System Solutions Businesses and manufacturers are moving their warranty management systems to web-based solutions that let […]

Digging Into Google Analytics Workshop

Join Mike Gingerich and Joe Mehl at the St. Joseph County Chamber of Commerce Workshop… “DIGGING INTO GOOGLE ANALYTICS WORKSHOP”   Together we’ll cover the ins and outs of Google Analytics and how they can be used by businesses to help understand your businesses website traffic and how understanding the traffic can help grow your […]
Apps to Help You Rock the Social Scene in 2016 315

Apps to Help You Rock the Social Scene in 2016!

  My blab with Jessica Phillips of Now Marketing was all about apps!  Apps are one of my favorite topics and this blab was no exception.  Apps can help you market efficiently, provide quick support to potential and existing customers via social media, and help you save time and money in various ways. It’s an […]

7 Ways Manufacturers Can Use Instagram To Grow Brand Awareness

Manufacturers can and should value social media marketing as a unique way to build brand awareness, grow revenue and reach new markets and audiences. A recent study of B2B marketing by Brightcove shows that 87% of B2B brands and manufacturers engage in some form of social media marketing.  It works…if you do it right. New […]