
Top 7 Things to Consider when Choosing a Domain Name

Brick and mortar real estate is all about location. If your business is in a dark alley and surrounded by industrial warehouses, chances are you won’t get a lot of foot traffic. You want to be on a main thoroughfare or part of a busy shopping district so your customers can easily and conveniently get […]
Website Tools that Work- CorknCleaver - 600

Website Tools that Work: Cork’ N Cleaver

A well-designed website is easy for admins to update and control, and even easier for users to navigate. uses the web CMS tools provided by Digital Hill to manage their site effectively. Digital Hill’s advanced website tools help the Cork’s N Cleaver boost gift card online sales while managing content efficiently. With a powerful […]
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The Value and Limits of a Social Media Policy

One of the inherent features of social media usage is that it allows people to express themselves freely. Provided their posts are within moral and social guidelines established by the particular website. In December of 2016, this principle was put to the test in Elkhart, Indiana, when a lawsuit was settled in favor of a […]
PDF Creator: Advanced Website Software Tool

PDF Creator: Advanced Website Software Tool

Many industries use PDF’s for marketing and sales. Companies like Ikea use PDF’s for instruction on furniture construction. Businesses that work with statistics and measurements like financial advisors and end of year reports are frequently created in PDF form for easy reading and delivery. While this file format has many advantages, they’re not easy to […]
What is Relationship Marketing_

What is Relationship Marketing?

Relationship marketing emphasizes the value of building relationships with potential clients above simply making sales. It places emphasis on engaging with your audience, by recognizing those factors which make them human – their wants, their needs, and their pain points. When traditional marketing ruled the day, this wasn’t the case. But with the appearance of […]

Fort Wayne Social Media for Business Workshop

Practical, tactical, and empowering workshop to help businesses take advantage of the power of social media as a way to market their business. • Want to use Social Media strategically in your business? • Trying to determine what social networks to be on? • Having trouble keeping up with the latest social media marketing updates and best practices? All this […]
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Press Release: Game Plan for Social Media Lead Generation

January 3, 2017, Goshen, IN — Well-known speaker, social media marketer, and Facebook marketing pro, Mike Gingerich launches his latest book, Game Plan for Social Media Lead Generation. This guide is specially written for businesses looking to succeed on social media networks. Many entrepreneurs are mistaken about how to make social media work for them. They […]
Keys to Make Sure your Website Doesn't Crash

Keys to Make Sure your Website Doesn’t Crash

Black Friday has come and gone. Some companies got a good boost to their bottom line; others are left picking up the pieces of missed opportunity. You’d have to be living under a rock not to know about the biggest shopping day of the year. Some retailers’ websites weren’t ready to handle the influx of […]
Why You Need a Resource Center on your Website

Why You Need a Resource Center on your Website

So you have a website. It’s got a shiny new design, a few products and pages, a gallery and a few other bells and whistles. You can move on now, right? Actually, if you want your website to be a real marketing tool, that’s dead wrong. There are many reasons your website should be more […]
14 Content Marketing Tools - 315

Content Marketing Made Easy: 14 Content Marketing Tools

Content Marketing works. It drives traffic to your site and social media pages, creates a reputation for you and your company, engages potential clients, up-sells existing clients, and hence converts leads into sales. According to BitQuirky, 72% of digital marketers feel that well written, branded content is more effective than print advertising. They also agree […]