
The Importance of a Brand Logo -315

The Importance of a Brand Logo

For McDonald’s, it’s the golden arches. For Nike, it’s the giant swoosh. For Starbucks, it’s the two-tailed mermaid. They’re different brands, but they all have iconic logos that are instantly recognizable by the majority of the population. Such strong brand recall with just one image is a testament to the value of having a well-designed […]
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The Facts about Social Media [Infographic]

Social media has become interwoven in our everyday lives. While no one would argue it has become a force for change, the reach it has is quite staggering. When deciding on a social media strategy for your business, it’s important to keep these facts in mind. One Site to Rule Them All While Facebook, YouTube, […]
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Migrating your Website from One Hosting Service to Another

  New technologies make moving your site from one host to another much easier. However, regardless of how fast the transfer speed is, the typical customer may experience some degree of downtime during the transfer. Depending on what is going on behind the scenes, the transfer process of DNS servers between the new and old […]
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Google Search Goes Mobile First

Accessing the internet on mobile devices has officially overtaken desktop access. Not quite sure if this matters? Take a look at the latest big search change from Google. The search engine giant announced it would release a mobile search separate from its desktop search. Indexing a site is the process of scanning a website to […]
Six Ways to Use Instagram Stories for Business

Six Ways to Use Instagram Stories for Business

When you think about the ways to use social media for your business, Instagram may not be the first channel that comes to mind. However, with the new feature offered by this platform called “Stories,” more and more businesses are hopping on the Instagram bandwagon. “Stories” provides you the ability to create a string of […]
Powerful Website Systems: - 315

Powerful Website Systems: CommodoreHomes . com

Commodore Homes’ new site helps visitors get to the home of their dreams faster. Specializing in modular home design, Commodore Homes needed to put the tools to design and customize homes into the hands of customers. Therefore, we built powerful website systems: with the user in mind.  The website includes these advanced tools designed […]
Conferences Marketing Professionals Need to Attend in 2017

Conferences Marketing Professionals Need to Attend in 2017

Marketers are continually learning and honing their skills to stay on top of the ever-changing world of social media.  One way to accomplish this is to define your goals and look for marketing conferences and workshops that best fit your individual needs. Here’s a list of what we consider to be the top conference for social […]
Creating an Email Series for Lead Generation

Creating an Email Series for Lead Generation

Today’s email methods aren’t the mass shotgun approach that worked in the past. The current process is more intricate but also more precise. It should result in higher open rates, higher traffic and potentially more leads and sales. A good campaign will include multiple emails sent on a regular basis which should increase leads. Automation […]

New Landscape Website: Wihebrink Landscape Management

Our newest website for Wihebrink Landscape,, is a great model of the landscaping business it represents; neat, professional, visually appealing and clean. This new site is heavy on imagery, lower on text, and has a straightforward layout. Starting with its simple global navigation bar, image links, and a front-page gallery, this site is attractive and […]
Chamber University - Social Media for Business: What's the latest and working now

Social Media for Business: What’s the latest and working now?

In person learning opportunity! The social media landscape shifts at a fast pace — so fast that you’d get lost without a guide to help you navigate the changes as they happen. But I’m here to help, which is why I’m inviting you to join me on November 9, Wednesday, at the Goshen Chamber of […]