Performing Arts Website for Students and Sales

The Main Stage Inc. has a new versatile website to facilitate enrollments, production details, and sell tickets to upcoming productions. As a Performing Arts Program, The Main Stage Inc. offers a range of opportunities for all ages while offering students amazing opportunities like attending the Disney Imagination Project. This new performing arts website website offers visitors everything they need while being easy to navigate. 

The Home Page

The minute website visitors arrive on The Main Stage Inc. website, they see an image from a previous production. Right under this are options to register for an upcoming production, buy tickets, or make a donation. As visitors scroll, they can read more about upcoming productions followed by the season’s main sponsors. 

Easy to Use CMS

As The Main Stage Inc. constantly needs to update its events, registrations, and gallery, an easy-to-use CMS manager was a crucial requirement. With WordPress, administrators can easily create new web pages for each new event. Furthermore, they can easily update the information on the homepage by simply editing the text in each Gutenburg box. The drag-and-drop system also makes adding additional events easy. WordPress enables The Main Stage Inc. team to update and manage content without coding or HTML knowledge.


Offering the option to purchase tickets to upcoming productions online streamlines the sales process. Instead of website visitors having to call and reserve tickets over the phone or go into the studio to purchase tickets, they can now simply click and purchase directly from the website. The “Buy Tickets” link connects to the event link, and users can print their tickets or simply show them on their mobile device at the door. Ticket prices and age requirements are clearly listed so there are no hidden charges for customers. 


For those website visitors that want to support The Main Stage Inc. without attending a show (or in addition to) there is a Donate button at the top of each page. This takes visitors through to a PayPal page where they can select a dollar value and whether this is a one-off or recurring donation. PayPal is a trusted payment processor that protects both buyer and seller while allowing for payment by credit, debit, or bank transfer. 


Curious about previous productions? Website visitors can access images from all of The Main Stage Inc.’s previous shows under the Gallery menu tab. With over 30 previous shows, each is clearly labeled and images show once website visitors click on the production name. The high-quality images showcase parts of each production from start to finish.

For The Main Stage Inc., having a well-designed, easy to update and maintain website was a crucial requirement. Now they can advertise upcoming shows, market to new performers, and sell tickets all from one digital location. This also gives students and patrons 24/7 access to any information they need about registration, show times, and upcoming events. 

Contact Digital Hill today to create a website that works for you and your business so you can thrive in the digital age.