content marketing Archives

How to Create Content When You’re Too Busy to Write
Creating useful SEO-rich content for your website is valuable but it also can be time-consuming, especially if you’re trying to write a new blog post or article on a fresh concept. Research and planning are often the most laborious steps in creating useful content that will draw your readers in further. Often times this is […]

How to Use the Cloud to Brainstorm Social Media Content
When it comes to creative ideas, some people just bubble over with innovative, out-of-the-box concepts. Even people who come up with impactful campaigns and inventive methods of grabbing customers’ attention, run into a wall every now and then. The reality is that even the most creative minds get stuck every once in a while. With […]

How to Grow Your Audience with Podcasting
In our recent #MagnetMarketers live Blab session, Jessika Phillips and I discussed getting started with a podcast and how to use a podcast to connect with a broader audience. We talked about the questions I most frequently get asked to help a business understand how podcasting may be a great option for getting the word […]

6 Ways to Delight Your Ideal Customer Online
How do you delight your customer before they even contact you for help? Companies know they need to be online to reach their ideal customer, but not as many realize they can begin meeting their customer’s needs even before any contact information has been requested or before money has been exchanged. Here’s how you can […]

What We Learned From Social Media Marketing World 2016
Social Media Marketing World is the world’s largest social media conference and hosts the top speakers on each platform. It’s a great venue for learning and networking! While there were many great speakers this year – Guy Kawasaki, Mari Smith, and Brian Solis, just to name a few – the true impact of Social Media […]

Everything You Know About Marketing Has Changed Part 2
Marketing used to be simple. You’d craft advertisements for print, billboards or television hoping that customers would respond. You could be a bullhorn and just shout out your information. Now, however, with the dawning of social media and the web, many consumers expect a two-way conversation; consumers are asking questions and expect a response from […]

Everything You Know About Marketing Has Changed Part 1
There was a time when marketing consisted of having a good product, shoveling out consistent advertising to get in front of people via print, news, and billboards, and then letting leads call in. Nowadays if you do that – you run the risk of not selling anything at all; learning the new rules of the […]

How to Use the 10:4:1 Rule to Create Social Media Content
There’s no question about it; social media is the future of online engagement. Once you realize this, the next task is figuring out how to best manage your business and put your content in front of your waiting audience. Each week on #MagnetMarketers we dive into a 30+ minute topic on digital marketing live via […]

An Introduction To Waftio
A site that doesn’t generate leads is one that’s not performing. By neglecting this aspect of a site, people unwittingly allow their business’s prospects to suffer. If your site is no more that a digital brochure that only functions to provide information concerning the business, it’s time to change. Treat the website as though it’s […]

5 Website Items To Review And Revise For A Successful 2016
The New Year is here, and it’s time to make a website action plan for 2016. Taking the time to address key parts of a business website is vital to ensure you’re successful with bigger results down the road. Technology moves fast, and to stay competitive, websites need to keep up with the latest standards. […]