digital marketing Archives

E-Commerce Website for an Online Chocolate Store_ The Nut Shoppe Chocolates-315

E-Commerce Website for an Online Chocolate Store: The Nut Shoppe Chocolates

The Nut Shoppe has satisfied sweet tooths in Goshen, Indiana for over 25 years. Their new website,, connects the Nut Shoppe with even more customers. The site is as much as a delight as their confectioneries. A gallery with mouth-watering treats sits on the front page. With the search, navigation bars and item bag, […]
What are Image Alt Tags and Why You Need to Use Them-315

What are Image Alt Tags and Why You Need to Use Them

Chances are, when someone lands on your website, they’ll never see your alt image tags at all. However, that doesn’t mean they’re not important. What Are Alt Tags? Alt tags describe an image, in a piece of HTML code, much like a header tag or any other piece of HTML code on your site. Like […]
Facebook Ads vs LinkedIn Ads vs Twitter Ads vs Google AdWords - 600

Facebook Ads vs LinkedIn Ads vs Twitter Ads vs Google AdWords

Digital marketing truly has revolutionized the way we reach people. Even though it’s better, faster and more affordable to advertise in the internet age, some of the old rules still apply. One of those rules is that you need to know who your target customer is and choose the right marketing channels to reach them. […]
Facebook Marketing Strategies that have Proven to be Successful-315

Facebook Marketing Strategies that have Proven to be Successful

Marketing and Facebook have become bosom buddies. Facebook sits at the top of social media platforms and key marketing opportunities. By using Facebook, you can ramp up conversions, traffic, sales, and social media following all while growing your brand’s influence. To capitalize on this giant’s marketing power, you need to use effective strategies. Proven Strategies […]
10 Instagram Carousel Post Ideas

10 Instagram Carousel Post Ideas

Instagram recently introduced its enhanced carousel post feature that lets you upload up to 10 videos or photos — or a mix of those — in one swipeable post. If you aren’t excited about this development, you should be. There are so many things you can do with it for your business! Tutorials The carousel […]
Affordable Small Business Website -

Affordable Small Business Website – ApplianceTech-Inc

In the modern world, virtually all businesses need an online web presence. When searching for information regarding a company or product, the first place many people will look is via a Google Search. Websites, however, can seem like a big hurdle, especially for a small business. Designed by Digital Hill, Appliance Tech Inc.’s new one-page […]
Online Calendar Booking Tools

Online Calendar Booking Tools

Scheduling meetings or paid appointments can be one of the most tedious and frustrating tasks in your business life, particularly with a lot of emails back and forth sharing dates and times blindly. Thankfully, these days there are much better options available to simplify this task. Let’s dive into a few key online calendar booking […]
Website Development for Hurricane Boats and Godfrey Pontoon Boats

Website Development for Hurricane Boats and Godfrey Pontoon Boats

Managing multiple websites separately can be a pain for a marketing team. With different logins and possibly dealing with different content management systems, it is hard to create a cohesive multi-site strategy. A multi-site web system simplifies things. You use one login to access all sites. Under one account, you are granted the power to […]
How to use Facebook Live Video to drive Social Media Traffic to your Landing Page - 315

How to Use Facebook Live Video to Drive Social Media Traffic to your Landing Page

Although live video apps like Periscope have been around since 2015, it wasn’t until 2016 that they took center stage, all thanks to Facebook’s Live video feature. Since its introduction, Live Video has been used for many reasons from every day to controversial. As a business, your usage of live video should focus on driving […]
New LinkedIn Layout

The New LinkedIn Layout

When it comes to social media platforms, there have been big winners, big losers, and those that just sort of lurk in the background. With 1 billion+ active users, Facebook is clearly at the head of the pack, while MySpace has virtually vanished, and is definitely in the rear. LinkedIn has, in recent years at […]