good website design Archives


GulfStreamCoach com: A Website with Advanced Search Capability

We provide solutions to help businesses succeed online. Our newest website project is for, a family-run business in Indiana. This design features a professional digital presence communicating company core values, mission and products. Need a website for your business? We can help.
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New Website Checklist: Make Sure Your SEO is Done Before You Launch

You want to make sure your new website looks good and works well. That means no dead links, no blank pages, and no overlooked bugs. But beyond the form and function, there’s another element you need to look at, and that’s SEO. And in light of Google’s move to prioritize mobile websites, it’s all the […]
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Our Newest Website BalancedGrowth

Crisp, clean, and to-the-point, the website created for Chicago consulting firm Balanced Growth is succinct, professional and client-focused. Over the course of 5 decades, Balanced Growth’s mission has been to provide long-lasting value and innovative operations solutions to clients in the insurance, healthcare, nonprofit, financial, and associations sectors. Our newest website serves as an […]
What we do on the web Commodore homes

Home Customizer Web Tool: A Custom Website Software

Is your business looking for powerful web tools to help you sell more? Are you looking for advanced tools to let potential customers customize your product online? Needing to sell more big ticket products online?  Digital Hill can help! Welcome to post 1 in our new blog series: What We Do on the Web We […]

Website Redesign – Century Chemical Corp.

Digital Hill Multimedia announces the release of a new responsive website for Century Chemical Corporation. Century Chemical now has a fresh and newly redesigned website for desktop, mobile and tablet users. Century Chemical needed to reach the mobile phone and tablet device audience, and the new responsive site they received is performing well for that purpose! Clean, Readable Responsive Website Redesign Check out Century […]

Continental Industries – Custom Online Tools!

Take a look at the huge difference a fresh design can bring your company or business! Check out Continental’s new website! Why is this website so special? For the average website visitor, it’s the ease of obtaining information. However, more important are the features hiding out of sight from website visitors, the custom online tools […]

New Website Design: My Crossroads Community Church

The Non-Profits Dream Website Crossroads Community Church wanted a new website, so they came to Digital Hill. They need to attract visitors and new members and access current membership info quickly. What did we do? We gave them the website of their dreams! Their new website achieves so many things many non-profit groups and churches […]

Website Software Launch: Personal Wealth Index Online Tool

New Personal Wealth Index website software is live! Digital Hill is pleased to announce the website software launch for Personal Wealth Index Financial Advisor tool. is a website that creates a personal wealth report for potential clients and current clients of Financial Advisors which subscribe to the site. The Wealth Index is a customized report designed to […]

Digital Hill’s New Website CMS

Do you know what CMS stands for? If not, it stands for Content Management System (CMS), sometimes referred to as a back-end system. It allows you to control the content on your website. Having a Content Management System (CMS) is very important in today’s world as most search engines are looking for recent (up to date) relevant […]

Principles of Web Design for Business Success

As more people get into web design for business, the line between web design for business success and cookie cutter web design blurs. BEWARE, the fact that a recent high school grad says they can build websites does not mean they should be putting together your business’s primary and first impression point on the web! […]