search engine optimization Archives

SEO 101 for your Web Page
“Why doesn’t my website come up in Google when you type the term [fill in blank with your product]??” If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked that, I’d be a wealthy man! Every business wants to come up first, or at least on the first page when a search for their […]

Google Alerts Alternative: Talkwalker Alerts
Want to track web mentions of your business? Are you seeking a Google Alerts alternative? Time to Consider Talkwalker Alerts! As web and mobile Internet use has increased over the past three years, an important consideration for businesses is monitoring the mention of their company name and or product/service names. It can be very important […]

How Search Optimization has Changed
You’re familiar with searching for things online. Whether a question you have, or a product you want, or for doing cost comparisons. In fact, the word “Google” has become a verb for doing an online search! You’ve likely heard this before, “just google it!” The Basics: Any time a search engine like Google, Yahoo, or […]