Social Media Marketing Archives

TikTok app on a mobile phone

Should Your Business Be Using TikTok?

Boasting 500 million+ active daily users and 800 million+ monthly users, TikTok is already more popular than Twitter (330 million) and Snapchat (290 million). Furthermore, it now has a combined 1.5 billion+ downloads in the iOS and Google app stores. Which begs the question – should your business be using TikTok? Is it time to […]

Why You Should Have an Instagram Business Page for Your Business

Do you have an Instagram business page for your business? Here's why you need to switch and get the benefits of an Instagram business account.
Login With Facebook_ 4 Ways to Connect Your App To Social Media-315

Login With Facebook? 4 Ways to Connect Your App To Social Media

If your app isn't easy to use people won't use it. Connect your app to social media to make it easy for your users to register and share.
Add Features to Your Facebook Page with Apps-315

Add Features to Your Facebook Page with Apps

Facebook apps extend the functionality of your page. By installing apps onto your Facebook page, you can run contests, collect lead data, and even provide customer support. Facebook apps lend an entirely new level of engagement with your followers. Here are 8 Facebook apps that will enhance your follower’s experience on your page. TabSite Tabsite […]
Why All Facebook Posts Are Not Created Equal

Why All Facebook Posts Are Not Created Equal

Facebook may be the biggest social network, but that doesn’t mean all posts hit it big. Some reach millions of people but most only get a handful of likes and shares before they’re forgotten. Posts don’t need to go viral to be a success. They’re doing their job as long as they reach your target […]
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Facebook Marketing Strategies that have Proven to be Successful

Marketing and Facebook have become bosom buddies. Facebook sits at the top of social media platforms and key marketing opportunities. By using Facebook, you can ramp up conversions, traffic, sales, and social media following all while growing your brand’s influence. To capitalize on this giant’s marketing power, you need to use effective strategies. Proven Strategies […]
10 Instagram Carousel Post Ideas

10 Instagram Carousel Post Ideas

Instagram recently introduced its enhanced carousel post feature that lets you upload up to 10 videos or photos — or a mix of those — in one swipeable post. If you aren’t excited about this development, you should be. There are so many things you can do with it for your business! Tutorials The carousel […]
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Best Social Media Customer Service Practices

Thanks to technology, it’s now easier than ever to build relationships with your client base—or is it? While new technology has certainly given us more ways to connect with potential customers, it also comes with its own rules and learning curves. Don’t assume that having the hottest gadgets or using the latest apps will automatically […]
How to use Facebook Live Video to drive Social Media Traffic to your Landing Page - 315

How to Use Facebook Live Video to Drive Social Media Traffic to your Landing Page

Although live video apps like Periscope have been around since 2015, it wasn’t until 2016 that they took center stage, all thanks to Facebook’s Live video feature. Since its introduction, Live Video has been used for many reasons from every day to controversial. As a business, your usage of live video should focus on driving […]
New LinkedIn Layout

The New LinkedIn Layout

When it comes to social media platforms, there have been big winners, big losers, and those that just sort of lurk in the background. With 1 billion+ active users, Facebook is clearly at the head of the pack, while MySpace has virtually vanished, and is definitely in the rear. LinkedIn has, in recent years at […]