Social Media Marketing Archives

How to Rock Instagram for Business
You might be thinking Instagram is just for selfies, pet photos, celebrity gossip and what people are eating for lunch. But there’s so much more happening on Instagram! As a business owner, you want to be on Instagram! This is one of the more interactive social media platforms, and a strong presence can benefit all […]

Apps to Help You Rock the Social Scene in 2016!
My blab with Jessica Phillips of Now Marketing was all about apps! Apps are one of my favorite topics and this blab was no exception. Apps can help you market efficiently, provide quick support to potential and existing customers via social media, and help you save time and money in various ways. It’s an […]

7 Ways Manufacturers Can Use Instagram To Grow Brand Awareness
Manufacturers can and should value social media marketing as a unique way to build brand awareness, grow revenue and reach new markets and audiences. A recent study of B2B marketing by Brightcove shows that 87% of B2B brands and manufacturers engage in some form of social media marketing. It works…if you do it right. New […]

Use Social Media to Market your Business
Join Mike at the Goshen Chamber of Commerce for “Use Social Media to Market your Business” Together we’ll cover the big social media networks, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram and how they can be used by businesses to grow leads and sales. We’ll look at each platform and outline a plan to integrate […]

8 Easy Ways to Keep Visitors on Your Website
Thanks to our friends over at Red Web Design for this helpful graphic! Avoid Excessive Advertising Ads can be a helpful monetizing tool, but too many are annoying! Make Your Website Lightning-Fast Many users are impatient and will leave if delayed. Reduce image sizes, use a caching plugin, and keep code clear of unnecessary […]

Creating Content That Gets Shared
Content that gets a lot of backlinks is content that draws in many people. But what makes content interesting in the first place? Consider these seven factors: Original — If it’s never been seen before, then people are bound to find it interesting. Informative — No one likes fluff. Content that shares important information […]

What You Need To Do Before You Share On Social Media
Social media is a very popular marketing tool. It’s an easy and fun way to connect with consumers, but use caution and think before you post and share on social media. Small errors make you look unprofessional. Here are some quick tips to help you stay out of trouble: Read the articles before posting and make […]

Optimize Your Facebook Page For Branding And Engagement
You probably have a Facebook page for your business, but is it optimized for search, branding and engagement? Here are some simple pointers to optimize your Page. 1. Personalize Your Facebook Page Cover Image This is a no-brainer. If you don’t have a personalized Facebook page with a good-looking, custom cover image and logo for […]

Metrics to Measure the Success of Your Facebook Marketing
Marketing on Facebook seems to be the craze for getting a businesses message out on their products and service. However, measuring the effectiveness is fuzzy when it comes to finding out whether a businesses efforts are successful and getting feedback on what tweaks and adjustments are needed. The real question is, “What kind of metrics […]

YouTube vs Facebook Video
As videos continue to skyrocket in popularity, video offers an excellent way to communicate your brand’s story in a meaningful way. Videos offer an accessible way to create an emotional connection with your target audience. YouTube and Facebook video are two of the most popular video sharing platforms. Which platform is right for your brand? This […]