WordPress security Archives
Enhancing Security for Your WordPress Website
Enhancing the security of your WordPress website is an ongoing process. Use these security tips to get started.
Cybersecurity of Your WordPress Website
Make sure you pay attention to security of your website. Here are tips and strategies to implement cybersecurity of your WordPress website.
Best Security Plugins for Your WordPress Website
Keep your website safe and secure. Here's our review of 7 WordPress security plugins to help you choose the solution that's right for you.
Plugins for Two-Step Authentication
Protect your WordPress website and your customer's data from hackers. Add an extra layer of security with a two-step authentication plugins.
6 Top WordPress Plugins for your Website
Do you have a WordPress website? These 6 top WordPress plugins will add advanced features and functionality without adding lag and load time. These are the plugins we add to every site we build. Learn more ...
Jetpack for WordPress – Pros and Cons
Your WordPress website uses plugins to give it advanced functionality. The more plugins you use the slower your site loads. Jetpack adds a lot of features and functionality to your site with just one plugin.