With our BuildandPricePro product builder, your clients can easily build your product to meet their specifications. This information can be sent to you or the closest dealer or saved for the customer to interact with at a later date. The product builder can be used with images to show the customers changes in the look of the product as they build it or just a text and fields they fill out. When adding new product information, you can choose to allow the customer to see pricing changes or not. If they don’t see pricing, they can then request a quote from you, the manufacturer, or the closest dealer.

The product manufacturer or dealers can also
use this system in-house to easily create orders.
In addition, this system can be embedded on your dealer’s website for interaction and lead generation. The best part about embedding this on the dealer’s website is that it will pull data from your system, keeping product information up to date. Gone are the days of the dealer’s websites showing out-of-date products and pricing.